How to approve a query

Approving a query is like giving a thumbs-up to Findly. It helps the system in learning your specific use case, it improves accuracy over time.

Navigate to the Data Requests section on your dashboard.

Find the query you want to approve and click on the Review button.

Review the information in the response. If everything looks good, click on the Approve button.

How to edit a query

When a query is wrong, you can edit it to make it right. This will help the system in learning your specific use case, it improves accuracy over time.

Navigate to the Data Requests section on your dashboard.

Find the query you want to edit and click on the Pencil icon at the top right of the SQL code block.

Edit the query to make it right. When you are done, click on the Generate report button to view the results.

If everything looks good, click on the Approve button.