
To authenticate with the Findly API, you’ll need an API key, which can be requested to us here.

Use this key as the Bearer token in your API requests.

'Authorization': 'Token <team_token>'

We have several endpoints that allow you to interact with different parts of the Findly platform:

“xx” Endpoint

Description: (Describe what this endpoint does, e.g., retrieves a list of all connected data sources) URL: /xx Method: GET Authorization: Bearer Token

Read more about it here.

“xx” Endpoint

Description: (Describe what this endpoint does, e.g., retrieves a list of all connected data sources) URL: /xx Method: GET Authorization: Bearer Token

Read more about it here.

“xx” Endpoint

Description: (Describe what this endpoint does, e.g., retrieves a list of all connected data sources) URL: /xx Method: GET Authorization: Bearer Token

Read more about it here.